AuctionsPlus Wool – webinar

Tony Benson from AuctionsPlus and Wool Trade speaks about how the online selling systems operates and some of the features. Key points to be addressed in the webinar include: Overview of AuctionsPlus Wool Wool Trade and AuctionsPlus Wool How to use AuctionsPlus Wool to market your wool How often wool is offered on AuctionsPlus Costs … Read more

Controlling your feral pigs!

Jason Wishart from Invasive Animals CRC speaks about: What control methods are available to producers for controlling pigs Which control methods work the best in Qld History, biology and general behavior of pigs The latest research being conducted by the Invasive Animals CRC New technologies that are on the market or coming onto the market … Read more

The Good Food Guide for Sheep

Listen to Desiree Jackson talk about the different supplements you can feed your sheep to supply them with energy, protein and minerals.  Desiree also discusses what you need to think about when deciding which supplement to feed, how to compare supplement costs and when to start feeding.  Desiree Jackson is a Queensland Department of Agriculture, … Read more

Confidently Pricing Your Wool – Using Wool Cheque

Wool Cheque is a tool to calculate independent pricing of your wool.  In this webinar listen to David Cother, Wool Services Manager from Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX) talk about how you can use Wool Cheque to confidently price your wool.  This webinar was recorded on 21st March 2013.

Outlook for Wool Prices

Robert Herrmann from Ag Concepts Unlimited speaks about current wool prices and the outlook for the next 12 months. He also explains the Riemann Wool forwards and what the trends are showing. This webinar was recorded on the 21st February 2013.