Around the Camp: PDS update, worms despite drier weather, know your live weights, Leading Sheep extension meeting

  1. PDS Update
  2. Worms despite drier weather
  3. Know your live weights
  4. Leading Sheep Extension meeting
  5. Upcoming events
  6. Podcasts, eBulletins and surveys

PDS Update

Producers involved with the Producer Demonstration Site (PDS) in the North & Central West region have collected lamb marking data that is up for discussion at our first winter zoom meeting (date to be confirmed).

Thirty people have joined the PDS WhatsApp chat where results can be shared and discussed between producers, extension staff and sheep reproduction research scientist Dr Gordon Refshauge (NSW DPI). With feed rapidly drying up in the region, discussions around suitable supplements, their storage and imprint feeding for weaners have begun. You can interact with the PDS by joining the WhatsApp discussion group, following the PDS Instagram page and coming along to the field day in August.

If you would like to join the discussion group or become involved with the PDS please contact Millie Nicholls at or phone 0428 102 841.

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Worms despite drier weather

Some regions might have dried off a little this season, and with that, thoughts of worms might have been faded as well. However, if you haven’t done a worm egg count or drenched, sheep could still have high worm burdens despite pasture contamination possibly having reduced over summer. We also know that around lambing, a ewe’s immunity to worms is reduced, and poor nutrition makes stock more susceptible to worm burdens (and other stress). So don’t take your finger off the button just yet, consider a worm egg count test.

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Know your live weights

Considering current markets, it could be especially handy to have a good knowledge of the weight and growth of your sheep. Mungallala producers Graham and Jan Chambers see benefits from their auto-drafter with built in scales across many facets of their business, including the ability to sort sheep into weight lines to optimise growth and slaughter schedules, the handling equipment reduces labour needs and increases efficiency. Graham and Jan also see it as a way to prolong their ability to manage the farm past their retirement.

They did do their research though, going to field days and seeing what other producers had done. It has also taken time to learn the system and although it saves labour, it is slower than manual drafting. The Chambers see technology as “no-brainer” and a way to keep doing what they love longer. Read more about Graham and Jan’s experience here.

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Our Leading Sheep Extension team met in Brisbane recently

Our Leading Sheep team joined over 90 other extension staff from other industries such as horticulture, fisheries and more, to share skills and experience supporting graziers and farmers to run the best enterprises they can. Leading Sheep was able to share how important our producer committees are to keeping the project relevant to our producer network. It was also a great chance for our new team to make valuable connections. Our new team includes Trish Nolan, Bec Brayley, Millie Nicholls, Sam Harwood and Nicole Spiegel, joining old hats Pieter Conradie and Andrea McKenzie

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Upcoming events

  • 5 July. Stand by what you sell Webinar (QLD)- Electronic NLIS tags. Delivered by Integrity Systems. Click here for more information.
  • 25 July. Succession Planning for Farming Families, St George. Delivered by ConnectAg. Click here for more information.
  • 26 July. Succession Planning for Farming Families, Roma. Delivered by ConnectAg. Click here for more information.
  • 13 July. Ag Innovation Expo, Longreach. Delivered by GroWQ. Click here for more information.
  • 3-4 August. Mental Health First Aid, Mitchell. Facilitated by RFDS. Click here for more information.

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Podcasts, eBulletins and Surveys

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