1. Sheep and wool challenge

2. Agri-business CEO mentoring program
Financial assistance for up to eight Queensland wool producers to take part in the Agri-Business CEO Mentoring Program during 2017 to access specialist advice, mentoring and support has been announced by the Queensland Government. The 12-month CEO Mentoring Program is a joint initiative of Leading Sheep and the Agri-Business Development Institute (ABDI). Over 12 months the Agri-business CEO Mentoring Program features three two-day workshops in Brisbane, monthly call-in mentoring sessions and accountability and goal tracking, regular group catch-ups, and training modules based on the ABDI 12 Pillars of Business Best Practice. Click here to read more about the program. Click here to read more about the financial assistance Leading Sheep is offering.
3. Tips for feedlotting lambs

To find out Phil’s tips for successful feedlotting, click here.
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4. Farm biosecurity – it’s easier than you think

5. Upcoming events
15 February, Business Growth and Transfer, Charleville. To find out more or to register click here.
16-17 February, Business Edge workshop, Brisbane. To find out more or to register click here.
20 February, Humpy Back in Sheep – the latest findings!, webinar. Register here.
21 February, Grazing Fundamentals workshop, Winton. To find out more or to register click here.
22 February, Grazing Fundamentals workshop, Longreach. To find out more or to register click here.
23-25 February, RCS Pasture to Pocket, Charleville. To find out more contact Darren Jennings at South West NRM on 0428 220 136 or email darren.jennings@swnrm.org.au.
27 February , RCS Pasture to Pocket, Tambo. To find out more contact Darren Jennings at South West NRM on 0428 220 136 or email darren.jennings@swnrm.org.au.
27-28 February, Business Edge workshop, Blackall. To find out more or to register click here.
7 March, Pest Animal Management and Chemical Training workshop, Tambo. To find out more or register click here.
9 March, Pest Animal Management and Chemical Training workshop, Morven. To find out more or register click here.
7 March, Flood Fencing field day, ‘Glentuckie’, Cunnamulla. To find out more contact Darren Jennings at South West NRM on 0428 220 136 or email darren.jennings@swnrm.org.au.
9 March, Your sheep health is your wealth forum and dinner, Longreach. To find out more contact Alex Stirton, DAF, 07 4654 4212 or alex.stirton@daf.qld.gov.au.
late March-early April, Grazing Fundamentals workshop, SW Queensland. To find out more contact Darren Jennings at South West NRM on 0428 220 136 or email darren.jennings@swnrm.org.au
starts late March, Agribusiness CEO Mentoring program, Brisbane. To find out more click here.
14 June, Fire, Biodiversity and Carbon, ‘Tooloombilla’, Injune. To find out more contact Rhonda Toms-Morgan at QMDC on rhondat@qmdc.org.au
6. eBulletins
AWI Woolgrowers’ newsletter – January 2017
Sheep Central – 02 February 2017
Invasive Animals CRC Feral Flyer – February 2017